Saturday, July 6, 2013

5 days all alone!

I feel like I can finally say I am growing into my own while being on my own. I just spent five days all alone and it was amazing! I walked around in pjs and ate meals for one, was responsible for no one but myself ( and a fish & hamster in which one of I killed...eek! Kids survived the death better than I thought) and it was liberating. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my kids and LOVE being there Mom but this single mom thing can be hard. Parenthood alone is hard. But having to be the Mama and the Dad all time can be rough. Being the fun parent, while being the mean parent, teaching them, disciplining them, running them, paying for everything and feeling alone at times. The daily stress alone is exhausting, working, dinner, running them, laundry ect is enough to make me crazy. I have good days and bad days as a parent. I am far from perfect I make lots of mistakes and I learn new things about my kids and myself everyday. My biggest lesson is I am stronger than I think and my kids are more resilient than I think thank goodness.
Don't get me wrong I have amazing family support and the best friends a girl could ask for but when your a single parent its all you!
I would love to find that someone who makes our life's better, who loves us all and in time I truest there is someone for me and my kids but until then, I am good with the quite and I am good with learning new things! Like how to work a blower and I will over take the weed whacker in time I promise. So if you know a single parent don't feel sorry for them, encourage them, hug them, invite them over for wine and know that they are doing there best!
All I can do every day is keep going and have as much fun as we can, and when I get the chance to be alone TAKE it and know that I will be okay while alone. Here is to coming into my own even more everyday, and digging for more that I didn't think I could do. ( heck, want to d I for that matter!) but hey I have survived sleepless nights, lots of vomit, sick kids, sleep overs, sporting games and much more and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Here is to my next adventure.